Scharnebeck | Sluice

Builder: Sluice Scharnebeck

Location: Scharnebeck

Mountain formation:Loose sediments

Drilling method:Ram core drilling

Number of holes: 26

Drilling depth in m: 68

Total drilling meters: 1875

Drilling Ø in mm: 219

Expansion data: DN 125 / Norip

Purpose of the drilling:

Subsoil drilling for the new construction of the Scharnebeck lock. Pressure sounding, ram core drilling, groundwater measuring points.

For the new construction of the lock in Scharnebeck, 26 ram core drillings were carried out. Five of the boreholes were converted into groundwater measuring points. Five drilling rigs were used for the work. The cores were evaluated on site, sieve analyzes were carried out and photographed. Some of the drillings were geophysically surveyed and equipped with data loggers and geophones.

English (UK)