Builder: Wasser -und Schifffahrtsamt
Location: Aschaffenburg
Mountain formation: Quaternary
Drilling method:Core and dry drilling
Number of holes: 26 GVM – 14 Br.
Drilling depth in m: 35
Total drilling meters: 627
Drilling Ø in mm: 400
Expansion data: DN 200/125/K
Purpose of the drilling:
14 wells and 26 groundwater measuring points, continuous coring, pumping tests, well shafts and measuring point closures.
For the lock in Erlangen, 26 groundwater measuring points were drilled using the dry drilling process with continuous coring and subsequent expansion to GWM. In addition, 16 submerged wells were sunk using the dry drilling process with continuous coring and subsequent expansion into wells. Three drilling rigs were used, suitable for carrying out dry drilling.
NORD Bohr und Brunnenbau GmbH
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