Monitoring well.

Investigation of geological and hydraulic-geological conditions.

Measuring points and levels are used to analyze the groundwater, its spatial distribution, possible changes in the groundwater table and the quality of the groundater.

That's why we are for municipal utilities, public bodies, but also for commercial and industrial companies in action to protect the quality of our most important asset - the drinking water.

Searched specifically.

A comprehensive range of services.

We use the most modern drilling rigs and well drilling techniques, like the pessure grouting of the annular spaces by using a cementing Valve, in our patented procedure. From it result the necessary sizing of the measuring point development as well as the type and number of necessary investigations at or in the measuring point.

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Moorburger ElbdeichDeutschland | HamburgGWM 221
Bispingen | GWMDeutschland | MunsterGWM
Papierfabrik | TorneschDeutschland | TorneschGWM BR 5
WBV | GWMDeutschland | ElmshornEES
English (UK)