
Basis of effective planning.

Exploration wells are drilled to explore the geological and hydrogeological conditions of the subsurface, findings gained from these are important foundations for further planning and investigations.

In addition the drilling procedures air-lift drilling and rotary drilling belong. As drilling equipment our DSB 3/14, DSB 2/10, DSB 2/7, DSB 1/5 and PRAKLA RB 50 is used.

Knowledge and precision.

NBB. Your trusted partner.

Our project team creates a detailed and digitally prepared drilling profile, to find out in advance, which rocks and soil classes are in the subsurface and whether the building needs special protective measures due to the presence of layer- or groundwater.

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Schleuse ErlangenDeutschland | AschaffenburgGWM 26 BR 14
ElbtowerDeutschland | HamburgB5
Langenhorn | WWDeutschland | HamburgAB LAN 7
Scharnebeck | SchleuseDeutschland | ScharnebeckBKP 09-10
English (UK)